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Individual and organization website’s for hogaku performers and producers.

Instrument Producers/Sellers

Website information for producers/sellers of wagakki (koto, shamisen, shakuhachi, etc.) and performance goods.

Hogaku Information/Communities

Personal and organization website’s that are engaged in providing hogaku information, event planning, and community creation.

Event Planning

An introduction of informational sites, convenient tools, and more for when you are planning online and offline hogaku events.

Event Support Services
  • Kokuchiizu Space
    Search function for rental spaces and facilities
  • Peatix
    Online event advertisements and announcements
  • Event 21
    Event item rentals, venue arrangements, signs, etc.
Tools & Software
  • Zoom
    Software for long-distance conferences and communications
  • Microsoft Skype
    Software for long-distance conferences and communications
    Software that allows for long distance ensemble performances with minimal sound delay

Online Shops

Online shops that sell wagakki, sheet music, CDs, performance goods, etc.